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Neck, Cervical Spine and Migraine Connection

70% of patients with migraine experience neck pain. Identifying the source of neck pain and investigating possible connections to a headache is a critical step in the successful and comprehensive treatment process. 

This is another success story where Dr. Alex Feoktistov was able to identify the neck pain-migraine connection and with the help of Midtown Athletic Club team was able to help the patient get her life back! 

*Dr. Alex Feoktistov is the Founder and Director of the Synergy Integrative Headache Center and is no longer affiliated with the Diamond Headache Clinic.

Alexander Feoktistov MD, PhD Founder and Director of the Synergy Integrative Headache Center.

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Magnesium glycinate offers a promising and well-tolerated option for migraine management. Its high bioavailability and gentle effect on the digestive system make it a suitable choice for many individuals suffering from migraine.